Friday, November 2, 2007

Big Box O' Medicine

The big Box O' Medicine arrived on Tuesday. I came home from work and caught my husband on the Internet watching educational videos on how to administer injections. I asked him were all the medication was, and he showed me the new "medicine drawer" in the kitchen (where, incidentally, we used to keep the cat medicine -- he said he took out all of the cat stuff, but I'm going to become really worried if he puts on a finger condom and tries to rub my ear...). He basically said the drawer was off limits and he was going to be in charge of the medicine -- that's fine by me, but after begging for a few minutes he finally let me see what was inside the drawer to take the mystery out. Holy crap! I couldn't believe the vials and the disposal containers and sharps and pens, etc. We even had to make room for some of the stuff in our refrigerator. It's now becoming VERY real. Significantly, there was a very large bottle of Darvocet sent to us along with everything else. I know Darvocet is a pain medicine, but it's making me worried -- seriously, what's the Darvocet for, and why do I need such a big bottle???

The Darvocet also sent me spiraling with several other questions relating to pain issues. I had contemplated the injections being painful, but what about the actual procedures? I hadn't really thought about it. I have the mock transfer on Monday, with the actual retrieval and transfer in December. Can anyone tell me what kind of pain I can expect?

On another note, we've decided that we were going to be more open in telling people about what we're doing. I've told a select group of my close friends at work, and people have been mostly supportive -- I've had some strange reactions, and it's been a little confusing (for lack of a better word) to some people, but it's a relief to not have to make up stories about why I'm going to have to leave all the time for doctor's appointments and procedures. My immediate family has known about this since the beginning, and my husband is finally going to tell his. I am keeping my fingers crossed that they will be supportive as well.


Cindy said...

I can imagine this is a bit overwhelming, but also very exciting! Wishing you the very best on your journey.

Yeah So said...

I have no idea what the Darvocet is for. Probably for the retrieval - in case you are uncomfortable. But I never needed anything more than Tylenol. The belly shots don't hurt at all, and the IM shots don't hurt going in if you ice really good. They will be sore afterwards, but it's tolerable.

Good luck!! If I can answer any questions let me know, I did it three times! And it's great your husband is taking care of the meds, it's good to have him participate.

The Posh Nosh said...

I do not know why they gave you Darvocet for this. But, I did have it after my D&C...and I now call them my magic pink pills. I actually have a whole blog entry dedicated to the "magic pink pills".

Ms Heathen said...

Wow! It sounds like it's all going to be happening pretty soon... I'll be thinking about you, and hoping that all goes well over the next few weeks.